Tuesday 1 October 2024

"My daughter's fiasco"

*Breaking Art News*

I sold a portrait of The Hillbilly Shakespeare.

In non-breaking art news...

Maureen Lipman was on the radio talking about marriage. Her pal Rula Lenska's Polish mum once introduced Dennis Waterman as "my daughter's fiasco".

I've been dipping into Backlisted including this (George Melly's dad's last words to him are heartbreaking) and currently this.

This interview with Marina Abramovic is quite something.

Ah, Glasgow Apollo. This brings back memories of seeing The Police (twice) and Stiff Little Fingers (twice) as a youngster (thanks, Alison):

If you missed this (for which I was glad to compose the music)...

...click here.

Me: Would you like to see some more of my art?


Me: Too bad.

(3 x clues: Dario Fo, Svetlana Alexievich and a vase of flowers...)

Friday 20 September 2024

Gracias and Obrigado

Teenage Fanclub played a fun festival in Ourense which meant spending some time in that lovely Galician city... 

Altogether now: "I'm on a See Food diet..."

I mean come on...

...AND some time in pretty Porto...

A return visit to the National Museum Soares dos Reis:

I reckon I'm a fan of Henrique Pousão

Evening libation? White port and tonic? Och, I don't really...


I think This Cultural Life is my favourite radio show / BBC podcast. Latest listen was Marlon James. His ruminations on Bob Marley and Kurt Cobain = great.

Thanks, Duglas, for flagging up this song:

On the subject of good music - you might dig this.

An extract from Alan Bennett's diary:

I was glad to compose the music for this...

Meanwhile back at the ranch...

Hasta la vista, old fruit. x