Friday 11 September 2020

50 With The Body Of A 49 Year-old

 One the one hand:

"Oh fuck. I'm 50."

On the other:

"Hooray. I made it to 50!"

Time "the Arch-Satirist" (thank you, Thomas Hardy) sure is precious. But it can't be hoarded so must be spent well. I am going to spend some time today reading cheeky DIY birthday cards...

...looking at old photos...

My sister, Santa and Me (Santa's in the middle). I can almost remember this uncertain moment - fidgeting with the velvet buttons of my blue coat.

...and eating homemade Black Forest Gateau, prepared for me with chocolate, cream, cherries and love. 


I also plan to watch a family movie of my choosing. A rare occurrence these days. Maybe The Sound Of Music or Singing' In The Rain or West Side Story. (Unless we revert to Schitt's Creek and Brooklyn Nine-Nine.)

It's nice to see that Richard Osman is looking forward to the new Teenage Fanclub album

I wonder if Donny, Marie and Little Jimmy are fans.

Speaking as an extinguished composer, sometimes a rough melody pops into my head and I do my best to hang on to it before it teleports elsewhere. I found this old Voice Memo from a few years ago...

Count your blessings before they're hatched. x

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