Friday 20 September 2024

Gracias and Obrigado

Teenage Fanclub played a fun festival in Ourense which meant spending some time in that lovely Galician city... 

Altogether now: "I'm on a See Food diet..."

I mean come on...

...AND some time in pretty Porto...

A return visit to the National Museum Soares dos Reis:

I reckon I'm a fan of Henrique Pousão

Evening libation? White port and tonic? Och, I don't really...


I think This Cultural Life is my favourite radio show / BBC podcast. Latest listen was Marlon James. His ruminations on Bob Marley and Kurt Cobain = great.

Thanks, Duglas, for flagging up this song:

On the subject of good music - you might dig this.

An extract from Alan Bennett's diary:

I was glad to compose the music for this...

Meanwhile back at the ranch...

Hasta la vista, old fruit. x

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