Wednesday, 17 January 2024


I like This Cultural Life.

The Nigel Kennedy episode was well worth a listen.

Nice touch towards the end where he talked about how much he learned about life and priorities from his late dog.

The Andrew Scott episode was good - especially his mother's advice to always 'draw a bold line'. 

And the Werner Herzog one was great. Nuts but great. What a life! I'll bet his memoir is worth reading. (I still haven't seen Fitzcarraldo...)

The wonderful Michael Rosen was next. Great, of course. If he'd done nothing else (and he's done so much) - how much pleasure has We're Going On A Bear Hunt given the world? (And I think I now know why Jake Peralta, every once in a while, says, "Noice".)

Next up - Judi Dench.

I liked this:

Glad I saw it on the big screen. 

Loved the dance scene. That was when it started to click for me. Somehow I *think* it reminded me of this...

** Boastful TV composer alert ** I was glad to compose music for this.

And still I sketch and draw. Cue the music. (And no that isn't Alf Garnett - it's Emile blinkin' Waldteufel if you must know. ...)

Over and out x

Monday, 8 January 2024

"A life of complete self-indulgence, if led with the whole heart, may also bring wisdom."

It's January...

Not that I am a subscriber, but this was the first time in a long time that the Christmas edition of the London Review Of Books didn't feature extracts from Alan Bennett's diaries. So I read his remembrance of Peter Cook instead.

Stuff I have watched re-watched and enjoyed/appreciated:

Ghosts Christmas special;


Groundhog Day;

The Reckoning;

Traitors - Season 2 (I missed it first time round); 

The Walking Dead;

Mr. Bates vs The Post Office;

This Book Of The Week on Radio 4;

A 3-day trip to Arran;


I'm reading this (one story every night):

And *still* I wonder if anyone out there knows how to get a hold of the BBC Series from 1981?

Also reading this:

I was glad to compose the music for this new Channel 4 series.

Here come some artistic efforts. Try and spot - among others - the sculptor of The Statue Of Liberty...Riz Ortolani...Ian McHarg...Hannah Waddingham...Saul Bass...Elaine Lustig Cohen...Henri Dutilleux....blah,  blah, etc...

Tinkety-tonk! x