Tuesday 13 August 2024

Mongolia An' That

I haven't blogged for a while (a nation mourns) so...

Teenage Fanclub travelled to Mongolia, via Istanbul, to play the Play Time Festival near Ulaanbaatar. An amazing experience (and that was without taking up an offer to taste horse curd.)

We flew back into Edinburgh (possibly the only airport in the world which never has any trolleys at baggage reclaim) and that evening I saw the brilliant David Sedaris at The Usher Hall before the final trek home to Glasgow. I waited in line afterwards and told him a story that made him chuckle. Let's see if it appears in a future book.

I caught Perfect Days at the good ol' Glasgow film Theatre. I liked it.

This was a morbidly fascinating watch.

I've been reading 'Ginger & Me" by Elissa Soave; funny to read a book set where I grew up. I was at school with Elissa's wee brother.

I was glad to compose music for this:

Oh and I was chuffed to be involved in this project for The Burrell. My composition is called Reflections On a Jewel. Brilliant harp and cello from Sharron Griffiths and Allison Lawrance (Bloomberg app required).

I've been digging various episodes of This Cultural Life (Kenneth Branagh's memories of his preparations for the opening ceremony of the London Olympics is worth a listen, in my humble opinion).

Upcoming Teenage Fanclub gigs are here.

*Drum roll*...Some art. (Try and spot Joe Dolce)

A fellow passenger en route to Istanbul from Mongolia wanted a portrait

A pal's doggy

(Drawn a while ago, I just sold the original of this)

Fare thee well. x