Monday 17 June 2024

Jeremy Tepper

I first met Jeremy Tepper in January 2000 in the foyer of the then Central Hotel in Glasgow. He was accompanying his wife, Laura Cantrell, to Glasgow for some shows including an appearance at the Celtic Connections Festival. I was releasing Laura's amazing debut album "Not The Tremblin' Kind" - produced by Jeremy's erstwhile bandmate Jay Sherman-Godfrey - on my wee hand-to-mouth record label "Spit & Polish - division of Shoeshine Records" (I used to enjoy the perverse grandiosity when John Peel would read those words out on air).

Thinking back, my first image of Jeremy is borne out by other stories and my experience of him since: chin out, head and shoulders back, hands in the pockets of a big coat in anticipation of the Scottish winter, surveying his surroundings and looking out for my appearance - he looked for all the world like he owned the place. All the times I'd be around him since, Jeremy had that enviable way. He never seemed intimidated or uncomfortable in new places or meeting new people.

He used to sign off all his emails with "10-4 Tepper". Once I asked him why every time he asked a question in an email he would type 2 x question marks. Came the reply:

"It's called style, man"

I saw him cry one time. In Spain. He was moved by the reaction of so many country music fans who had just fallen in love with Laura during her live set at the Huercasa Festival: "I'm losing it, man" - he was so proud of Laura. As he was of their daughter Bella.

Last time I saw Jeremy was at the end of April, 2024 when Teenage Fanclub played in Brooklyn. I met Jeremy and Laura for a post-soundcheck meal in Williamsburg. Amongst other things we talked about mutual pals, mortality and the passage time. The death of Jeremy's friend Mojo Nixon had hit him hard. When we said our farewells I gave him a hug and said thanks for making the time; that I knew his time was precious. We weren't to know how precious. It still feels quite unbelievable.

You can hear Jay and Michael Shelley talk fondly on air about Jeremy  here.

Sad times. My thoughts are with Laura and Bella.

Brooklyn, 28th April 2024

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