Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Teenage Fanclub in Japan

I'm a lucky duck to have been back here.

Japan never disappoints. Amazing food, people, audiences, service, hospitality, designs, sights, packaging, presentation, etc.

Even the KitKats inspire. 
Green tea ones are a bit of an acquired taste...
Swanky hotel for the likes of us, Tokyo.
Nice pub grub here.
Out now on Hostess in Japan!
Doing promo for "Bonjour". Check out the defensive body language.
Translator's short hand.
Insert pun about how to conduct yourself here.
Yokohama luv.
Tour Manager Of The Year - omelettes a speciality.
Norman getting beaten up by a massage chair, backstage in Tokyo.
Tokyo luv.
Hotel sewing kit with needles already threaded.
Lights at night.
Vending machine.
Delicious grub - thanks, Hostess Entertainment.
Two thumbs up for the strawberry ice cream.
Train station snacks.
Riding the bullet train from Tokyo to Osaka we got a beautiful clear view of Mount Fuji.

Osaka luv.
The tour promoter took us for more lovely grub.

Mashed potato - reshaped and cooked in butter. Yum.
Splendid tempuara? Arigato.
Never got to experience this "bananaful' snack. 
At Narita airport. Feeling a bit sheepish about leaving.

And so to Brisbane, Australia.

Remember you can order "Bonjour" here.

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